Student Blogs


August 27th, 2010 smmerc12

After a long decision process, an even longer application process and a summer of putting my nose to the grindstone to make my venture affordable, I am faced with the reality of getting on a plane and flying across the world to spend a year in Tokyo.

The people that know ask me if I am:

a) Excited

b) Terrified

c) Crazy

d) Planning to shop at Big and Tall

I just answer all the above and change the subject because I don’t really have a better answer.  People also ask if I’m ready to go, but I don’t quite have an answer to that question either.

Last month I obtained about 50,000 yen at a fairly good rate (approximately $500 US dollars).  Two weeks ago I wired money to the landlord of the guest house I’m staying at in Warabi City (northern Tokyo) and creeped on facebook to find pictures of the place.  The cherry blossoms hung over the apartments in full, inviting bloom as students loitered beneath in swanky, minimalist chairs.  Last week I picked up my Visa from the Japanese Consulate in Boston.  I was so excited that I understood the Japanese portion of my receipt, even though they provided both languages. Today I finished at my summer part time job; I can only imagine just how I’ll spend that money and where I will shop! It doesn’t seem real just yet.

I think more valuable than any of that information is the smile on my face as I write this entry, even though I’m getting my wisdom teeth out at 9:30am tomorrow. Preparation is both practical and mental…though, I admit I haven’t started packing yet.

19 days left until I leave!

Ja matta,


2 Responses to “Ready…set…”

  1. Waylon Bobek says:

    I seriously like your post. I found it incredibly usefull. I should go to your site again some day.

  2. smmerc12 says:

    Thank you, Waylon! I hope you do. 🙂

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