Student Blogs

Come and get it!

November 3rd, 2010 smmerc12

If you think being a salesperson is hard, try it in Japanese. I spent a good part of my Tuesday yelling “Okonomiyaki dou desu ka!” [roughly, ‘how about okonomiyaki’]. I was very proud of myself when I managed to rope our stand a few customers. Unfortunately, by the time I arrived today, the Tapiyoka bubble tea was already sold out, so I did not have the chance to assist in sales for SISEC. 🙁

After days of hard work, the clubs go out together for nomihoudai (all you can drink). I went out with the Aikido team to a little restaurant in Shinjuku and we ate and drank and had lots of fun. I spoke more Japanese than I thought I even knew! I promise I did not drink too much, since I have class bright and early tomorrow morning.

Next time I will post some pictures, since it is almost midnight and I still have a kanji test to prepare for.

Ja ne!


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