Student Blogs

電車 (densha) Trains!

October 15th, 2010 smmerc12

Hi everyone! It’s been too long. Please forgive me, since things have been so very hectic. I’ve gotten into the school routine, which includes an hour or so commute from Nishi-Kawaguchi Station (in Saitama, northern Tokyo) to Yotsuya (closer to the center of Tokyo). Since the trains (rush hour trains, particularly) are such a huge part of my life here, I figure I could dedicate an entire entry to them.

1. It is not uncommon to be so squished into a train that your face is pressed against someone’s back, and someone else’s face is pressed to yours. Though, it might be different for taller people. When the train moves, people lean on each other, so staying on your feet requires lots of strength.

2. The stations, from the hours of 6am-10am, are completely filled with people trying to get to work. In order to get into a packed train, you need to turn around and walk backward, so you don’t look at the faces of the people you are shoving even closer together.

3. The train systems are highly organized. Arrows indicate what direction to walk for each line, what side of the stairs or escalator you should be walking up (people who walk up the escalator to the right, those that chill for the ride, on the left).

That’s all for tonight. I’ll try to be better about updating this more often. 🙂

Ja matta,


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